Philip M. Goldstein's Collection
Welcome to Philip M. Goldstein's Railroad Picture Archives!

Front Page Pic Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Philip M. Goldstein.  

Areas predominantly photographed are:

- East Texas (Dallas-Houston-Galveston Corridor),
- Hudson Valley & Southern Tier of New York,
- New York Metropolitan Area,
- North New Jersey, and
- Niagara Falls & Hamilton Areas of Ontario, Canada;

including but not limited to the following railroads:

  • Burlington Northern Santa Fe (Red River Division / Houston & Galveston Subdivisions)

  • Union Pacific
    (Gulf Coast Service Area: Hearne, Bryan, Navasota,  Galveston & Palestine Subdivisions)

  • Industrial, Terminal & Shortline Railroads (Active & Defunct)

  • Industrial Locomotives (Critters, Dinkys & Centercabs)
  • CSX
    (Albany Division)

  • Canadian Pacific
    (Freight, Colonie, Canadian & Hamilton Subdivisions)

  • Canadian National
    (Oakville, Grimsby, Stamford Subdivisions)

  • Norfolk Southern
    (Harrisburg Division
    : Southern Tier, Freight, Sunbury & Pittsburgh Lines)

  • New York, Susquehanna & Western
    (Northern, Central & Southern Divisions), 

  • Conrail Shared Assets Operations
    (North & South Jersey Districts),

  • Amtrak
    (Northeast Corridor, Empire Service & Long Distance Routes) 

  • Metro-North, Long Island Rail Road, New York City Transit

  • New Jersey Transit

  • Kansas City Southern (Meridian Speedway)

  • Trinity Rail Express

  • Dallas Area Rapid Transit

  • Tourist & Heritage Railroads (Delaware & Ulster, Catskill Mountain, Texas State, Strasburg, Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley, etc)

With a strong emphasis on Industrial Shortlines & Terminal Railroads

  • New York New Jersey Rail,

  • South Brooklyn Railway,

  • New York Container Terminal,

  • Port Jersey,

  • Construction & Marine Equipment

  • Albany Port,

  • Nucor (Jewett, TX)

The vintage images are of many fallen flags, steam excursions, circus trains, derailments, miscellaneous locomotives (not otherwise marked with a location or dated) and various other pieces of rolling stock.

My videos may be viewed on Youtube via this link:


All images contained within this website as well as others and all videography are copyrighted and may not be used by anyone without my express written consent. (Anyone violating this > will < be getting a "nastygram" from my attorney.)

Please feel free to contact me at BEDT14@aol.com for usage permission.

Also, please feel free to visit my websites:


Thanks for viewing, and enjoy!


You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page.  I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!

Select one of the links from the menu on the left to begin browsing the collection.
Site Stats
Photos: 10,561
Locomotives:  2,253
Rolling Stock:  949
Locations:  243
What's New?
New Photo Albums
BNSF U-LSSHRM 5-21G / / Herzog MPM35: @ MP184.5 - Newby, TX
   -Added 2/24/2025 6:12:12 PM
BNSF O-TEAGAT 3-05Z; Track Geometry Train (manned)
   -Added 2/5/2025 10:57:25 PM
BNSF D-TOMTEA3-23N (nb lite engines) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
   -Added 1/1/2025 5:01:49 PM
BNSF 1415 [SD60M Triclops] leading E-DONRWM 1-53E @ MP168.46 Flynn; & MP159.69 Normangee, TX
   -Added 1/1/2025 4:27:57 PM
Obligatory Foreign Power Pic H-TEAAMY 1-16A; BNSF Red River D / Houston SD @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Fl
   -Added 12/22/2024 11:24:56 PM
MRL 4306 [EMD SD70ACe] on E-DONRWM 1-47E @ MP184.2; Newby, TX
   -Added 12/22/2024 11:06:37 PM
Fakebonnet one unit wonder on the H-CSYNYF 1-18A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn,TX
   -Added 10/18/2024 9:47:05 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-09 @ MP159.20 - Tehuacana Creek Bridge; Waco
   -Added 10/17/2024 7:34:34 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SU; UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-09 @ MP105.30 - pvt rd gc; Hearne, TX
   -Added 10/17/2024 7:21:41 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-09 @ MP139.0 - SH7 gc; Marlin, TX
   -Added 10/17/2024 7:00:48 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-07 on display @ MP73 - F&B Road gc; Bryan, TX
   -Added 10/17/2024 6:51:13 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD: UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-07 on display @ MP73 - F&B Road gc; Bryan, TX
   -Added 10/17/2024 6:35:22 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-07 @ MP53.87 - Lometa Ln gc; Millican, TX
   -Added 10/17/2024 1:34:40 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-BXHO-04 @ CPQ 048 - Navasota Junction, Navasota, T
   -Added 10/5/2024 3:26:06 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-BZHO-04 @ MP51.60 - Navasota River Bridge; Navasot
   -Added 10/5/2024 3:20:35 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-BZHO-04 @ MP51.65 - Navasota River Bridge approach
   -Added 10/5/2024 2:44:11 PM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-BZHO-04 @ MP92.01 - Union Bend Rd gc; Mumford, TX
   -Added 10/5/2024 1:56:53 PM
UP South Texas SU / Austin SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-DABZ-19 @ Valley Junction, Hearne, TX
   -Added 10/5/2024 11:42:13 AM
UP Gulf Coast SU / Hearne SD: UP 4014 Big Boy P-DABZ-19 @ Valley Junction, Hearne, TX @ CPQ 090 - He
   -Added 10/5/2024 11:38:09 AM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; UP 4014 Big Boy PDABZ-19 @ MP124.40 - US79 sb og; Hearne, TX
   -Added 10/5/2024 11:30:24 AM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; UP 4014 Big Boy PDABZ-19 @ MP141.69 - Main St; Bremond, TX
   -Added 10/5/2024 11:14:29 AM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; UP 4014 Big Boy PDABZ-19 @ MP149.89 - CR 278; Kosse, TX
   -Added 10/4/2024 9:49:40 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; UP 4014 Big Boy PDABZ-19 @ MP181.26 - US84 W Milam St og; Mexia, TX
   -Added 10/4/2024 9:44:09 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-NLEW-14 @ MP 137; Hammond, TX
   -Added 9/17/2024 9:45:26 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-FWSA-16 @ MP153.21 - SH7; Kosse, TX
   -Added 9/17/2024 9:35:41 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-NLEW-14 @ MP142.44 - Colorado St gc; Bremond, TX
   -Added 9/17/2024 9:28:28 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-FWSA-16 @ MP144.37 - CR 274 gc; Bremond, TX
   -Added 9/17/2024 9:17:17 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD: M-FWSA-16 @ MP170 - Groesbeck, TX
   -Added 9/17/2024 7:15:43 PM
LORAM DC-7 / LMIX 207 Ditcher Cutter
   -Added 9/17/2024 2:28:31 PM
BNSF U-SAGDOB 5-13B (unit side dump w/ large fill) @ North Zulch, TX
   -Added 9/14/2024 2:56:29 PM
BNSF 966 (H1 Pumpkin) leading U-HTOHOU 0-06T @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
   -Added 9/4/2024 11:23:14 PM
BNSF 6022 (25th Anniversary Unit) XH-TEAAMY1-31A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
   -Added 9/4/2024 11:09:09 PM
11) CPKC 2816 "Empress" (MLW 4-6-4 "Hudson") @ Neches River VLB; Beaumont, TX
   -Added 9/4/2024 11:00:34 PM
10) UP 8865 @ MP766 - Neches River VLB; Beaumont, TX
   -Added 9/4/2024 10:55:50 PM
9) CPKC Trk Insptr @ MP766 - Neches River VLB; Beaumont, TX
   -Added 9/4/2024 10:51:00 PM
Updated Photo Albums
Fakebonnet one unit wonder on the H-CSYNYF 1-18A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn,TX
   -Updated 12/22/2024 11:20:44 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SD; UP 4014 Big Boy P-HOFW-09 @ MP159.20 - Tehuacana Creek Bridge; Waco
   -Updated 12/22/2024 11:19:05 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; UP 4014 Big Boy PDABZ-19 @ MP149.89 - CR 278; Kosse, TX
   -Updated 10/5/2024 1:27:17 PM
UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; UP 4014 Big Boy PDABZ-19 @ MP181.26 - US84 W Milam St og; Mexia, TX
   -Updated 10/5/2024 1:27:04 PM
BNSF U-CHCCOT 5-26R (Continuous Welded Rail train) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
   -Updated 9/14/2024 2:53:49 PM
BNSF H-TEAEGW1-08A w/ CEFX leaser & nice loads @ Normangee, TX
   -Updated 9/4/2024 11:40:50 PM
BNSF O-IRBCSY2-27A Office Car Special @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
   -Updated 9/4/2024 11:40:14 PM
1) UP 8095 (eb) @ MP766 - Neches River VLB; Beaumont, TX
   -Updated 9/4/2024 11:07:55 PM
BNSF L-RDV8141-28I Teague Local @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
   -Updated 8/28/2023 11:48:02 AM
Austin CapMetro @ McNeil Jct Flyover, McNeil, TX
   -Updated 5/15/2023 8:29:51 AM
Austin CapMetro @ Howard Station, McNeil, TX
   -Updated 5/15/2023 8:29:35 AM
NS SD70ACu leading the H-TEAAMY 1-11A through Flynn
   -Updated 4/23/2023 7:19:59 PM
An interesting H-TEAAMY; 4 axles and artwork
   -Updated 3/16/2023 4:36:32 AM
Another ex-SSW assigned to the Bryan local; Bryan, TX
   -Updated 3/8/2023 6:31:25 PM
BNSF U-CHIAVO 5-11Z Geometry Train @ MP168.46 - Flynn, TX
   -Updated 2/18/2023 2:34:34 PM
Ohio DE650 Special; ATSF 199461 @ Shiro, TX / X1405518
   -Updated 2/11/2023 9:36:28 PM
NREX's off to the dismantler on the H-TEAEGW1-26; Normangee, TX
   -Updated 2/5/2023 7:59:14 PM
A Pumpkin leading the H-TEADYT1-01A @ MP166.67 - pvt gc; Flynn, TX
   -Updated 12/10/2022 12:52:47 AM
SD70MAC Exec Leader on the empty Donie @ Normangee, TX
   -Updated 11/21/2022 6:16:03 PM
NS & CSX lead the BNSF H-TEAEGW 1-22A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
   -Updated 6/7/2022 3:35:01 PM
Caboose on the AMY, TEXX101 @ Flynn, Normangee, North Zulch
   -Updated 5/21/2022 10:49:02 PM
BNSF H-TEADYT 1-20A @ various gc; Flynn, TX
   -Updated 2/24/2022 2:25:33 PM
Snoot nose BNSF SD40-2 1903; (ex-BNSF 6855, nee-ATSF 5126) @ MP185.23 - FM3501gc; Newby, TX
   -Updated 3/13/2021 4:09:24 PM
BNSF 9778 [EMD SD70MAC] Exec unit on the Teague local @ MP185.23 - FM3501gc; Newby, TX
   -Updated 11/13/2020 4:17:04 PM
Loram SBC-32 Shoulder Ballast Cleaner / BNSF U-CRSBWW5-03G @ MP168.46 - Flynn, TX
   -Updated 10/8/2020 10:25:41 PM
F-T219 1-11A: DOT/FRA Office of Safety cars [DOTX 219, 223] w/ UP9014 [EMD SD70AH] on the BNSF @ New
   -Updated 11/3/2019 8:39:00 PM
BNSF Red River D / Houston SD: Teague Local crew scavenging power @ MP168.9 - NSS Flynn
   -Updated 11/3/2019 8:37:48 PM
LASX 1002 [EMD SW1000] on H-HOUTUL 8-30A @ MP185.23
   -Updated 9/2/2019 7:44:23 PM
LORAM export to Adelaide, Australia on H-TEAAMY - Part 2
   -Updated 8/31/2019 8:16:23 PM
LORAM export to Adelaide Australia on the AMY! BNSF Red River Division Houston Subdivision
   -Updated 8/4/2019 2:47:06 PM
Ohio 65 ton Locomotive Crane [s/n 5140] - BN 975431 @ MP168.5 - Flynn House Track; Flynn,
   -Updated 7/29/2019 5:11:38 PM
KCS M-SHPA w/ gray KCS SW1500 & T4; KCS Southwest D / Beaumont SD @ MP 766.25 - Orleans Street og
   -Updated 4/25/2019 8:07:14 PM
KCS L-LG1220 passing 2MS2SHJ 16; KCS Southwest D / Beaumont SD - MP 766.25 - Orleans Street og
   -Updated 4/25/2019 8:07:01 PM
KCS O-SUKC 19 passing 2MSZSHJ 16; KCS Southwest D / Beaumont SD @ MP766.25 - Orleans St og
   -Updated 4/25/2019 8:05:09 PM
UP UE-GKJK 20; KCS Southwest D / Beaumont SD @ MP766.25 - Orleans St og
   -Updated 4/25/2019 7:24:52 PM

Site Design ©2001-2020 Tim Huemmer
Photos © respective authors
  Contact: info@rrpicturearchives.net